Feature For The Fence

I wrote a piece for The Millions about how, in 1979, Italo Calvino predicted the AI author in one of his best-loved novels, and what the reality of that prediction now means for us writers, poets, journalists and translators, Can a machine ever compete in metaphysical matters? What happens to an author’s copyright when a machine learning algorithm “learns” from an author’s work? And what happens when something learns from only “good” works. Click here to read.
I spent an unfortunate amount of time on sex doll/bot forums, and somehow I didn’t lose my sense of humour entirely. Here’s the resulting piece I wrote for the New Statesman. CLICK HERE.
I wrote a piece for Breathe Magazine on how to protect our native and migratory wildlife this winter.
You can buy online here, or in reality.
My review of the Daphne is up on the BFI’s ‘feminism in film’ website, TTIN. Click here:
You can watch in cinemas now or on BFI player.
Here I argue Banksy is becoming a legend (in the mythological sense of the word) with the help of other artists, while everyone from academics to grannies on Gogglebox try to unmask him. Poor old Banksy …
I wrote for Creators/Vice about a website that uses algorithms to reveal Trump’s top financiers in the art world that is also a conceptual art piece by Seth Price. It’s really, really, really cool. Have a look here.
Well, you heard it here first, or maybe you read a science paper that told you first: tree hugging is good for you. Fact. In this article for Breathe I tell you why and I pick the best forests with some of the finest trees to hug.
I’m also happy to divulge that during a recent low point in my life, having written this article a couple of months previously, beneath the moon I hugged a tree in an olive grove. Yes, initially I felt stupid, and during, and afterwards. But it did make me feel better.
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“How Did This happen?” Is definitely something I’ve been asking myself.
To read about my experience click here.
(I never said off-grid, I’m not a plonker.)